Jaron Moon and PI Warren receive Molecular Foundry User Proposal award

Jaron Moon and Prof. Warren, in collaboration with Dr. Marca Doeff and Dr. Rohan Dhall of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), have been awarded a Molecular Foundry Standard User Proposal. The award will enable Moon and Warren to conduct electron microscopy imaging and in-situ mechanical testing of all solid-state lithium metal battery materials at the National Center for Electron Microscopy.

PI Warren receives Faculty Small Grant Program award

Prof. Warren has received a University of Utah Faculty Small Grant Program award of $10K for a collaborative project with Prof. Joseph Marotta of the Department of Art & Art History. The new project, entitled “Collaborative Investigation of Ascorbic Acid Interaction with Silver Halides Enabling New Capabilities in Art and Engineering”, will explore the potential for low-cost vitamin C (ascorbic acid) detection using photographic paper.

The award is associated with a SPUR research project for Summer 2023. Current undergraduate students are encouraged to apply to the project at: https://our.utah.edu/spur/engineering-meets-photography-investigating-ascorbic-acid-interaction-with-silver-halides/ 


PI Warren receives Faculty Small Grant Program award

Prof. Warren has received a University of Utah Faculty Small Grant Program award of $10K for a collaborative project with Prof. Joseph Marotta of the Department of Art & Art History. The new project, entitled “Collaborative Investigation of Ascorbic Acid Interaction with Silver Halides Enabling New Capabilities in Art and Engineering”, will explore the potential for low-cost vitamin C (ascorbic acid) detection using photographic paper.

The award is associated with a SPUR research project for Summer 2023. Current undergraduate students are encouraged to apply to the project at: https://our.utah.edu/spur/engineering-meets-photography-investigating-ascorbic-acid-interaction-with-silver-halides/ 


Talha Razaulla defends PhD thesis

Talha Razaulla has successfully defended his PhD thesis: Towards Development of Deterministic Lateral Displacement Microfluidic Devices for Surface Coating of Nanoparticles Using Liquid Phase Atomic Layer Deposition. During his PhD, Talha published papers in LangmuirAnalytical Chemistry, and the Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, and presented his research at the Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (μTAS 2021).

Congratulations Dr. Razaulla!

Douglas Pedersen defends MS thesis

Douglas Pedersen successfully defended his MS thesis: Life Cycle Analysis of Lithium Cobalt Oxide/Graphite Batteries with Cooling Using Combined Electrochemical-Thermal Modeling. During his MS degree, Douglas published a paper in Resources, Conservation and Recycling and presented his work at the 240th ECS Meeting. Douglas is a Global Change & Sustainability Center graduate fellow.

Congratulations Douglas!

Fariha Khan defends PhD thesis

PhD candidate Fariha Khan (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering) has successfully defended her PhD thesis: Pyroelectrochemical Cell – A Direct Thermal to Electrochemical Energy Conversion Device (co-advisor: Prof. Shad Roundy).

Congratulations Dr. Khan!



Talha Razaulla’s paper accepted to MicroTAS 2021!

Talha Razaulla’s abstract “Deterministic Lateral Displacement via Self Assembly-Based Hexagonally Arranged Triangular Posts” has been accepted as a poster presentation at the MicroTAS 2021 conference. MicroTAS 2021 will be held October 10-14, 2021, https://microtas2021.org. This work is part of our nanomanufacturing of microfluidic devices work, in collaboration with Prof. Ryan Sochol’s team at the University of Maryland.

Congrats Talha!

MicroTAS abstract





Talha Razaulla’s paper accepted to MicroTAS 2021!

Talha Razaulla’s abstract “Deterministic Lateral Displacement via Self Assembly-Based Hexagonally Arranged Triangular Posts” has been accepted as a poster presentation at the MicroTAS 2021 conference. MicroTAS 2021 will be held October 10-14, 2021, https://microtas2021.org. This work is part of our nanomanufacturing of microfluidic devices work, in collaboration with Prof. Ryan Sochol’s team at the University of Maryland.

Congrats Talha!

MicroTAS abstract